Twin Valley Free Will Baptist Church
Twin Valley Free Will Baptist Church is located in Madison, Wisconsin. Our pastor and his wife used to attend this church, traveling three hours round trip each Sunday for over a year. Twin Valley will always have a special place in the hearts of our pastor and his wife.
Landmark Free Will Baptist Church
Landmark Free Will Baptist Church in Cary, North Carolina is pastored by Nate Ange. Pastor Nate Ange preached our revival services in October, 2016. Some of his sermons are posted here on our site.
Ark Encounter
The Ark Encounter includes a life size replica of Noah's Ark. It is professionally done, faith building, and enjoyable to experience--inside and out. You will want to also take a break in the middle of your tour to partake in the delicious buffet at Emzara'a Restaurant. If you are able to, eat on the second floor. We ate on the first floor which was nice and discovered the added benefit of the second floor after we were done. It is very quiet and the balcony gives a beautiful view of the Ark as you eat. We took a group of our young people, July 2017. They came back changed people, fervent in their faith in the truth and reality of God's Word.
Creation Museum
The Creation Museum is a wonderful place to go and spend the day. Biblical history is brought to life. Prepare to believe as you view the displays, videos, and planetarium. I've been there twice; it is wonderful!
National Center for Life and Liberty
The National Center for Life and Liberty partners with churches to support them in legal questions, legal protection, and legal representation.
Michigan Association of Free Will Baptists
Michigan Association of Free Will Baptists is a great link to Free Will Baptist state and national events.
Christian Law Association
Christian Law Association provides legal defense, counsel, and seminars for believers since 1969.
Salt and Light Global
Salt and Light Global articulates and supports biblical theology as it relates to our culture and legal system. A great resource and assistance for believers who want to make a difference.
Blue Letter Bible
Blue Letter Bible study apps are available for mobile phone and desktop computers.
Dave Ramsey
Dave Ramsey offers financial advice and resources from a biblical perspective. Individual debt is big in America today. Dave provides a way out from under the debt burden into the freedom of having a financial cushion, not to hoard, but to manage money. Once an individual has established financial freedom he is then able to give liberally to others.
I often listen to Dave, afternoons between 1 and 3, when I am in my car, on the radio on 590 am here in Kalamazoo. He takes calls from listeners with money questions and celebrates in the studio with others, as they detail their path to being debt free. I have noticed that most of the time the conversations are with people that have, from my perspective, very high incomes. Regardless, the principles work just as well for those of us with lower incomes.
I don’t agree with everything Dave Ramsey has to say, but his overall perspective is very helpful-even life changing. It is wonderful to have him and his organization as a great resource to recommend.
Crown Financial
Like Dave Ramsey, though different, Crown financial offers biblical advice and resources to better manage finances. Debt reduction is a key part of the perspective. Included in the program are financial calculators and many educational resources. Another wonderful resource to help Christians be good stewards of their money.