Two Types of Living - John 3:14-21 (Al Cox Funeral)

God's Word is so powerful!!

Through the life and death of a dear friend of mine and member of our church, the door is opened by God to present the heart of the gospel message.  You may never have known Al Cox, but you will want to hear this Bible message.  If you let it; it will change your life...and your eternal destiny.

The message is introduced by a short duet by Al Cox and me, recorded a few months earlier.  His voice is the deep full one.  After the duet, the passage from the Gospel of John chapter 3, verses 14-21 is presented.

A choice is given in verses 14-17: Jesus gives His life on the cross so that if we believe we will have everlasting life.

In verse 18, two groups of people are described: believers and unbelievers.

Also in verse 18, two conditions are assigned to the above groups: not condemned and condemned already.

Two types of living: Often people profess to be believers but verses 19-21 shows by the evidence whether that profession is true or false. 

Around 19 minutes into the message: 

The unbeliever loves darkness and hates the light. He may even say, “I believe” but he is still holding on to his sin.  In essence he is saying, “I don’t believe” by his actions. 

The believer is the opposite of the unbeliever.  He comes to the light, confessing his sin.  God changes him on the inside.  The power of the gospel changes how he deals with sin.

Sin identified: Galatians chapter 5 verses 19-21.  Four main categories:

  • Sexual immorality

  • Idolatry

  • Some form of hatred

  • Intoxicated